Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Something for everyone

I just got out of the shower...

I just got out of the shower...

I just got out of the shower and I felt inspired to write something. I have solved many of the world's problems while in the shower but this is the first time I got out and immediately laid down my thoughts. I've been having a terrible time lately with the pollen in our area. So much so that I have developed a big time sinus infection. The doctor put me on an antibiotic today coupled with an antihistamine/decongestant and nasal spray. I just realized a few minutes ago in the shower how bad my olfactory senses had gotten when it struck me that I could actually smell the manly fragrance of the body wash I wash using. My sense of smell had been dulled because I have been literally breathing in and swallowing all of the pollen that mother nature has to offer. It enveloped my sinuses passages, blocking, irritating and ultimately infecting them. This is a great example of a good thing gone bad or too much of a good thing. Pollen is of course a good thing and plays and integral part in the circle of life here on our planet.
In a similar way I believe that government is a good thing for our society particularly the Democratic Republic government that we live under here in the United States. It is useful for maintaining infrastructure so that we can maintain clean water and air. Government through the use of our taxes also maintains roads and highways so that we can all go about our business. We rely on government to protect us from harm both foreign and domestic by use of our law enforcement and military. We have also tasked our government with the limited ability to aid those in our society who cannot take care of themselves.
Here is where the picture gets blurred. For some reason our government believes that not just some of, but most of us cannot take care of ourselves. This goes for individuals and corporations. The government in this country right now feels mighty important. Well I have news for you government. You work for us and you have your place in our society and that's where you need to stay. You have proven time and time again that encroaching too much in the lives of Americans only gums up the works and brings us down much in the same way that too much pollen in the sinus cavities will bring down the human body.
What's the cure for America's ills? Quite simply, Americans. We have been down before and have picked ourselves up and become stronger for. It was not so much our government that saved us in the past but the unbeatable human uniquely American spirit.
There is a great reckoning coming among the people of these United States. Eyes are being opened and people are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Politicians on all levels be forewarned, if you're overstepping your bounds the light will be shown on you. If you think you hold all the cards up there in your ivory towers you are mistaken. The dialogue is open and flowing and "we the people" are becoming more and more aware that the country is not moving forward. Unfortunately though at this point collectively we don't know what we can do. Many people feel powerless and are of the opinion that they cannot make a difference. The powers that be feed off of that sense of hopelessness and gain strength from our despair.
That said, the first thing that all of us need to do is to be more optimistic and try to maintain a more positive attitude. Collective optimism creates positive energy motivating us to take action.
Activity that creates forward mobility equals progress which gets us closer to taking our country back. If we can put our heads together we can dictate what we want done to our elected officials and no longer have it the other way around.
This is a grand idea, but is it possible? Possible, yes. Anything is possible. Probable is the question. Many of us will not make a move based on a possibility. Probability on the hand is the game changer for many people because there is a chance for success.
I believe that the probability is good that we and not the government can right ourselves. Do you?