This is my first foray into the world of blogging. I'm doing this because I have a few things to say. It seems these days that with the popularity of social sites like Facebook, Twitter and others many people have discovered that they also have something to say. Maybe the millions of people using these sites have always had something to say or they just recently found their voice. Whatever the case, I think expressing yourself can be a good thing. By the same token I don't think it's necessary to voice every little thing on your mind because you can. That is why I will limit this blog to ideas and topics that are interesting to me and hopefully are interesting to others. Personally it seems that I have always had something to say. Good, bad or ugly it has come up and out. I have been fortunate over the years to have the stage as a platform to express myself and I have been doing stand-up comedy off and on for about 35 years now. It's my hobby. Some people play golf. Some people do crossword puzzles. I tell jokes and do impressions and now I write a blog. Read at your leisure and enjoy.
My name is Lance. Yes, that is my real name. It's not my fault, I didn't name myself. I've heard it all throughout my life; Lance, Lancelot, Lance Link Secret Chimp, Lawrence, Clarence, Lance Crackers and the latest Lance in my pants. Back in the 60's the name Lance was a unique name. All through school I was the only one except when I got to high school where there was one other guy named Lance. The rumor was that he was gay so I made sure no one got us mixed up. Overall having a unique name has been a positive experience, but I caution parents naming their children unique names not to do so without some serious thought. In fact, I recommend that if you plan on naming your child a unique name that you wear that name yourself for a while before your child is born. If you notice people getting a funny look on their face when you introduce yourself or they immediately feel the need to rhyme your name with something then you might consider a more common name. If you are reading this and you have a unique name, please feel free to share your experience. This ends my first blog attempt. Hopefully, I will get better at this as time goes on. My name is Lance. Have a nice day.